Sometimes homeowners do not really give much thought to the impact his/her door makes. But others can bet your bottom penny that the front door of your property delivers a subtle message about those living behind it. You may think of this to be a new trend in metropolitan cities. However, front doors have been a matter of great consideration for over millennia. When we study older civilizations or even periods of time, it is easy to observe that the property, including the front doors, defined the stature of its inhabitants. While a more meager dwelling fashioned a utilitarian entryway fixture, wealthier households often housed larger, thicker, polished and sometimes ornate front doors. Examples of this trend can be easily observed in Victorian times. With Britains newfound wealth, the social status of many lower-middle and middle-class traders was elevated. This change in status was often made known by a change in residence. 'New money' often lived in elaborate Vi...